Sunday, May 8, 2011

Countdown: 6 more days

With the whole environmental problem concerning plastic waste, I decided that I want to do my part by bringing a ceramic water purifier and not buy any water bottles while I'm there. Having never used a purifier before I really do hope that it will work as promise because the last thing I want on my trip is giardia and other water-borne disease. I prefer boiling my water but that might be a little difficult the first week in Delhi living in a budget hotel. I've been told to even use purified water when brushing my teeth and washing my face...sounds somewhat extreme.

MSR ceramic purifier and Nalgene water bottle...fits perfectly.

Some other things that I have in my bag is sunscreen, universal sink plug for taking baths, flashlight, and other essentials stuff recommended by the Rough Guide to India.

I'll be staying in Delhi for about 5 days maybe even a whole week. To avoid unnecessary hassles at the airport, I have arranged for the hotel to come pick me up. The cost is 550 rupees, sounds a little steep but I think it's really worth it if I want to avoid being harassed especially when I will be really exhausted from a long flight. I'm planning to do several tours and then on Wednesday go to Agra to the Taj Mahal. I read in the guide books that even Indians themselves would think that you are a little strange, if you wanted to go to the Taj Mahal around April-June which is summer in India. But then I asked my Sanskrit teacher, Dr. Aradhana Tiwari who I will be studying with when I'm there, and she said that in mid-May the temperature should be bearable. She told me that June is when you want to avoid the Taj altogether. Even though it sounds reassuring, I'm not sure how long I will last in the sun when temperature hovers around 130 degrees. Looking at the many pics of the Taj Mahal online, one question comes to mind: Where are the shades?

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